Montag, 13. Mai 2013

Don't post a picture when you're not satisfied with it.

Today I wanna tell another thing I got to know about me.

Sometimes it occurs that I work on a picture and at the end I feel that I'm not satisfied with the result and  start thinking about posting it on my blog or G+ or whatever and to many times I posted it just because I thought I have to post something and then I was not satisfied because I posted crap :-) Weired I know.

So I stoped doing this. If I'm not satisfied with the result I delete it and do it again and more often I save it and have a look a few hours later or after sleeping a night and then I decide to post or to do ot.

Any comments?

Here a few pictures from the last days.


Dienstag, 7. Mai 2013

Trust yourself when taking pictures.

I want to write a few words about a thing I recognized about me the last times when I was out for photographing.

When I was back home and reviewed my pictures it occurs pretty often that I did multiple captures (I mean dozens of pictures) of the same motive with different compositions and at the end the first or maybe second try was the best for me.

So I started trusting myself and made fewer pictures of the same motive with adjusting things like shutter speed, aperture, Iso for a proper exposure and stopped making little changes for composition. It runs very well and gives me more time to try completely other ways of getting the motive on the sensor or to find other motives to capture.

For me it seems that when I see a motive I very often have a spontaneous idea of how to get it right in that moment and then a process of thinking about it starts and let my intuition die.
What is your experience with that?

Here is a picture which is a good example for it.

Medienhafen Düsseldorf.

I have multiple other ways on my computer but in the end this was my first try and I only adjusted the tower between the poles in its position which was a case of millimetres.

So again - What is your experience with that?

Posting in english or german?

I have to make a decision what language is the best for my blog. I recognized that there are more people from outside Germany looking at my blog and on Google+ the common language is English. So I start posting in English.